Title: Queen of the underworld
Series: Tale of Olympus #3
Author: Lee Savino, Stacia Black
Genre: Dark Romance, Erotica
Published: June 1st, 2015
Standalone: No
The King of the Underworld saved me from the streets, Treated me like a princess, And locked me in a tower. Then he turned into a beast. There's a darkness in him. I've seen it face to face. He says I'm his light. But if our love is going to last, I'm going to have to be more than his princess. I need to become a Queen. The final chapter in Marcus and Cora's story.
This is the end of the trilogy of Cora and Marcus. I enjoyed the series, the ending was alright. However, it was surreal how Cora just changed suddenly. I know she needed to be strong, and it's fitting but I don't know, it just didn't felt right that she abruptly changed. Marcus is still the alpha male he was, but he became almost a lovesick puppy in this book. I understand the changes but it just felt something was lacking. I loved the chemistry between the protagonist. This book has flaws but yet the author pulled it off well, a really good adaptation of Hades and Persephone from Greek mythology.
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